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Chinese translation for "waft and flash"


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waft:  vt.吹送,飘送;使浮动,使漂荡。 waft a kiss 丢吻。 a fragrance wafted from the meadow 牧场上吹来的香气。vi.浮动,漂荡。n.1.浮动,漂荡,飘浮。2.一吹;一阵风。3.(鸟翅膀的)一扇。4.飘香。5.【航海】信号旗;(遇险)信号。短语和例子a waft of bells 风中传来的钟[铃]声。 a waft of joy
waft move:  飘移
warand waft cover ratio:  经纬向紧度比
let my aspiration wafting like cloud:  让我的渴望象白云在飘荡
a fragrance wafted from the meadow:  牧场上飘来的芳香
a breeze wafts the smell of roses:  微风吹送玫瑰花香气
a distant song was wafted to our ears:  远处的歌声随风飘送到我们耳中
a breeze wafts the sweet smell of roses:  微风吹来了玫瑰花的芬芳
flash flashed steam:  自蒸发蒸汽
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